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March 15, 2009


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John Cooper

"Soapy strings"?

Charlie Parker would have mortgaged his soul to have strings this good on his "Crippled by Lipman" effort.

Weston was a brilliant writer and he used some of the best session Jazz men on all his gigs.

The concept on "The Sweet and the Swingin'" album was to write a vocal counterpoint to the melody a la several major Tommy Dorsey hits, such as "Marie", "East of the Sun", "Sweet Sue" and quite a few others. And that's what it sounds like, minus the verve, hipness and in-jokes the TD bandsmen got to sing.

It's not my favorite Weston album, but it ain't hell.

John Cooper

And what the Weston guys don't get to do is use song titles for all their responses as the Dorsey guys did on cost of their 'counterpoint' recordings.

I don't think I have ever seen this pointed out - they sue nearly entirely pop tune titles of the era on the TD sides like "Marie", "East of the Sun", "Sweet Sue" and "Who".

And the Weston guys don't get to yell out, "Well, alright then! Take it, Bunny!"

Would have livened things up.

Don Boland

I dare anyone to go East of New York, get to Rhode Island on a Monday nite, find East Providence, locate Bovi's and listen to The John Allmark Jazz Orchestra. Then tell me there is a band in South cookieville that really cooks. The Allmark band is the best and if you are the best, there is nothing better. Remember good, better, best.

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  • Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of 55 More Songs," "Anatomy of a Song," "Rock Concert: An Oral History" and "Why Jazz Happened." Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awards.
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