Interview: Laurie Verchomin (Pt. 2) - JazzWax

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August 18, 2009


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Hello Laurie:
I don't know if you will remember me. I was in the band Flash Landing with Steven Drake. I played bass. I was there the night you met Bill Evans at the church where he was holding his concert. I was just recounting that night to my wife when, in a moment of inspriation, looked up Bill Evans and found you by chance. After reading your excerpts on Bill and yourself, I wanted to say hello and see how you are doing. I am now a chiropractor in Southern California. Life is good. Please feel free to write back if you wish, it would be great to hear from you. Best wishes for the holidays.

Marc Hamilton

Laurie Verchomin

Hey Marc Hamilton,

April 13th 1979 was a very special night. Of course I remember you. Please get in touch with me.

Love Laurie
[email protected]


Hey Laurie,

Kudos to you for writing your book. It is my introduction to Bill Evans. Clearly I am not a jazz fan since I don't already know about him yet I appreciate getting to know him through your eyes.

We share some affinities with our draw to NY - I lived and wrote there as well. I also met the Drake boys since I grew up in the Slocan Valley. They even went to my high school for a short stint.

I enjoyed reading the book and recommended the Gibsons library bring it in which they are in the midst of doing (support our local talent). I also have on order 'The Fan Man' - one of your recommendations. I love books about NY. I enjoyed living there many years ago though I went back recently and found it has all changed - it lost it's edge and is less intriguing for me now.

I have had experience working with hard core addicts and found that the only one who can get them to quit is the addict themself. Though you can encourage and support and care for them once they make this decision. It's unfortunate that many brilliant artists/performers go down this path yet many recover as well.

Take care Laurie and thanks for providing your insight to this great performer and your former 'Big Love'.

I am on the coast for the summer. Perhaps our paths will criss cross.

Kat Kosiancic

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  • Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of 55 More Songs," "Anatomy of a Song," "Rock Concert: An Oral History" and "Why Jazz Happened." Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awards.
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