Laurie Pepper and the Pirates - JazzWax

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September 17, 2010


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Doug Zielke

What a wonderful surprise!! Laurie shot me an e-mail about this release just yesterday. Of course, in the interest of defeating piracy (and being a huge Pepper fan), I bought a download asap.

Arrrr... Matey, there's a lot of good Art in there for a paltry sum. Dig the Chi-town sidemen I for one had never heard before. And worth the price alone, Art and the band do a great rendition of "The Trip". The sound quality is excellent, so don't just play this one on your ipod.

Thanks once again to Laurie. You continue to please AP fans with a constant stream of treats.

Laurie Pepper

Hey, Marc. This was recorded in 1977. Less than fifty years ago! They're just outright thieves. love and kisses, L.

Larry Kart

I believe I was at that Pepper-Jazz Showcase performance and reviewed it for the Chicago Tribune. If I recall correctly, I came back the next night and Laurie, prompted by my friend Chuck Nessa, came up to me with Art and said something like, "Art -- here's the man who wrote that nice review." Art, for one reason or another, was almost completely tongue-tied -- perhaps because the idea that another actual human being loved his music and had said so left him somewhat at a loss. There could have been other reasons, too. Boy, did he play beautifully that week!

O'Sullivan, "Red"

Oh - may I ask, who are the Chi-Town sidemen? Thanks in advance.

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  • Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of 55 More Songs," "Anatomy of a Song," "Rock Concert: An Oral History" and "Why Jazz Happened." Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awards.
Marc Myers2 2021 (c)by Alyse Myers

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