Art Pepper: Blues for the Fisherman - JazzWax

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June 14, 2011


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Jason Crane

This set has been on repeat at my place since it arrived last week. It confirms yet again why Art is at the top of my sax list.

And (surprise, surprise) I'll also include some links to two conversations I've had with Laurie about her Widow's Taste series of previously unreleased recordings:



Thanks, Marc!


Doug Zielke

I've owned the original (and out-of-print) Mole LP's of these performances for a very long time. I think they represent AP at his best. When you add in the intense piano of Milcho Leviev, this music swings the house down. I'm so glad Laurie brought this out. My order for the 4 CD set (just say no to MP3's)went out today. For as much real jazz as you get for just $27.50, this is a steal!


An incredible amount of great jazz must have been played at Ronnie Scott's over the years. Unfortunately most of the recordings that I've heard suffer from bad pianos and/or bad sound (especially the "Live in London" series.) Assuming the above description to be accurate, Wayne Peet should get some sort of award!
Those Jason Crane interviews are fascinating.

Bruce Armstrong

Art was a jazz "giant" and has been one of my jazz heroes for well over 50 years.I haven't heard the new recordings yet--but I do plan to order the CD set. I will be especially interested in Art's clarinet playing as I always thought he was an outstanding jazz clarinet player. I remember hearing him at Donte's in L.A. when he played "Lover Man" as a clarinet feature. At the end of one long phrase, somebody in the audience said out loud: "Let's hear Supersax play that one!" The audience applauded. I once asked Art about his approach to playing jazz on clarinet and he said: "I think the same lines on clarinet as on alto." A lot easier said then done--but Art did it!

Jason Crane

Thanks for the kind words, David!


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  • Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of 55 More Songs," "Anatomy of a Song," "Rock Concert: An Oral History" and "Why Jazz Happened." Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awards.
Marc Myers2 2021 (c)by Alyse Myers

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