Interview: Arno Marsh (Part 1) - JazzWax

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January 26, 2012


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Barry Block

I believe the tenor sax solo is by Bill Perkins.

Fred Augerman

Another example as to why "JazzWax" is head & shoulders above the rest!
Arno Marsh was one of my all time favorite tenor players, especially with the Herman Herd,and highly underrated IMHO. Can't wait for the rest of the interview!

Andy Rothman

Marc, thanks for posting this. I got the chance to hear Arno Marsh a few years ago at the Firefly Club in Ann Arbor, when my friend bassist Paul Keller featured him with his (Paul's) big band one night. I remember Arno talking about how much he loved Sal Nistico's playing. Arno sounded great.

randy marsh

Marc, great article on my pops! He is finally getting the recognition he deserves.

Randy Marsh

gary anderson

One of the best things about moving to Las Vegas has been getting to know and play with Arno in Bruce Harper's Big Band- especially when we played Early Autumn for the Arno Marsh tribute in Boulder City--on which Arno insisted on playing Stan's solo to the note saying; "Why (expletive deleted) with perfection."
... He is a most beloved legend here and is truly one deserving wider recognition.

Gary Anderson
fellow Herdsman (class of '76)

John Pinder

My favourite track of all the Woody Herman Third Herd recordings including Arno Marsh is the Uncut version of "Men from Mars" available (or was) on a Discovery CD.
It also has a great solo by Nat Pierce on organ!!!

Dan Jacobs

Arno is a national treasure deserving of wider recognition. I had the pleasure to perform with him in concert and he brought the house down!

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  • Marc Myers writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of 55 More Songs," "Anatomy of a Song," "Rock Concert: An Oral History" and "Why Jazz Happened." Founded in 2007, JazzWax has won three Jazz Journalists Association awards.
Marc Myers2 2021 (c)by Alyse Myers

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