In December 1950, the Stan Kenton Orchestra appeared on Ed Sullivan's Toast of the Town TV broadcast. While the variety show hosted by an awkward Sullivan aired on CBS, not many people saw the band's newest addition—trumpeter Maynard Ferguson. Television was in its infancy then and few homes had one. Fortunately tapes survived of Kenton's first TV appearance and Ferguson's spectacular debut.
Among the film's many highlights is coverage of Shelly Manne on drums, a pan of Shorty Rogers in the trumpet section, Bob Cooper and Art Pepper in the sax section, and Eddie Bert on trombone. Also, a killer Viva Prado at the end. The band was loaded with all-star soloists who would soon branch off and create West Coast jazz. Cameo solos by Art Pepper, Bob Cooper and Maynard Ferguson.
Here's Kenton on Ed Sullivan in 1950...