In 1997, the British electronic duo The Propellerheads recorded and performed History Repeating with Shirley Bassey. The single reached #1 on the U.K. Indie Chart and #10 on Billboard's Hot Dance Club Play chart, Dame Shirley's first top-10 hit on any U.S. chart since 1973's Never Never Never. According to Bassey, Alex Gifford, half of the duo, wrote the song especially for her. The video poked loving fun at Brit TV's Jazz 625, and the Propellerhead's album's cover paid homage to Nat King Cole's Just One of Those Things on Capitol (above and below).
Thanks to Oliver Dowling in Dublin, here are two videos—the music video and a video on the making of the video. Fascinating, since we get to see and hear Dame Shirley at work:
Here's the video...
And here's the making of the video...