While writing yesterday, I fell into a Horace Silver groove. Funk meets hard bop, with a twist of Silver's spectacular rhythmic counterpoint and chord voicings. Which sent me onto YouTube to see what was new with Horace. There, I found a bunch of videos that recently had been colorized. Now you can see and hear them, too.
Seven Horace Silver color videos:
Here's Nutville and Song for My Father, colorized, on the Danish TV show Jazz Omkring Midnat, in 1968. The personnel: Horace Silver (p), Bennie Maupin (ts), Bill Hardman (tp), John Williams (b) and Billy Cobham (d)...
Here's Señor Blues colorized and live at the Antibes Jazz Festival in July 1964, with Silver (p), Carmell Jones (tp), Joe Henderson (ts), Teddy Smith (b) and Roger Humphries (d)...
Here's Que Pasa? on the same stage, colorized, with the same personnel...
Here's Tokyo Blues on the same stage with the same personnel...
Here's Big Business in 1972 on TV's Soul!, produced by New York City's NET and PBS. The personnel: Silver (p), Salome Bey (voc), Cecil Bridgewater (tp), Harold Vick (ts), Richie Resnicoff (g), Bob Cranshaw (b) and Mickey Roker (d)...
Here's the Horace Silver Trio backing singer Andy Bey (and Salome's brother) on Soul! in 1972 playing Old Mother Nature...
Here's In Pursuit of the 27th Man, colorized and live at the Umbria Jazz Festival in 1976, with Silver (p), Tom Harrell (tp), Bob Berg (ts), Steve Beskrone (b) and Eddie Gladden (d)...