I'm always on the prowl for newly uploaded Count Basie videos. Yesterday, I found five I haven't seen before that appeared recently at YouTube:
Here's Count Basie. in a feature music film called Hit Parade of 1943. with Dorothy Dandridge...
Here's Part 1 of the Basie band in Milan on Italian TV in 1960...
Here's Part 2 of Basie in Milan...
Here's Basie with Tony Bennett, who sings For Once in My Life, All Of Me, Don't Get Around Much Anymore and I'm Just A Lucky So And So on Jerry Lewis's telethon for the Muscular Dystrophy Association over the Labor Day weekend in 1977...
And here's Basie with Dionne Warwick, Joe Williams, Stan Getz, Lionel Hampton, Dizzy Gillespie, Gerry Mulligan, Herbie Hancock and others on TV's All Star Jazz Show in 1977...