Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (1503-1506) is celebrated for its impossible beauty, panoramic perspective and the mischievous expression of the painting's model, who seems to be on the verge of smiling.
Is there a Mona Lisa equivalent in jazz? This is a question I asked myself yesterday. For me, to hit the same criteria, such an album would have to be by Bill Evans. But which one? If I have to choose, it would be Portrait in Jazz. The album—with Evans (p), Scott LaFaro (b) and Paul Motian (d)—is impossibly beautiful, features a wide musical panorama and provides us with upbeat songs, which put the album in the near-smile category. And interestingly, Paul Bacon's photo portrait of the pianist on the cover isn't that much different than Leonardo's female model in terms of the silent tension and anticipation.
Jazz aside, the painting that has captivated millions has a dramatic back story. Here's a fabulous BBC documentary...